Chaplaincy Church

The CTC Network USA Chaplaincy Training Programs
  • Basic Chaplaincy Training USA
  • Basic Chaplaincy Training Caribbean
  • Community Chaplaincy Training
  • First Responder Training 
  • Human Rights Training

Our Programs

Basic Chaplaincy USA

With natural disasters such as tornadoes, fires, hurricanes, and other unforeseen events, the church has transformed into more than just a place of worship. It has become a place for pastoral care during times of crisis and offers emotional and spiritual support to those in need. Providing care during a tragedy is challenging, especially when someone has lost everything or when parents are grieving the loss of a child. Today, emergency services are relying on chaplains for pastoral and emotional care during times of need.

The CTC Network USA is an authorized Chaplains International Training Institute. The Chaplain Certification Program consists of 20 hours of training at your location. The cost is $300.00 per participant. 

Upon Completion

  • Certificate from CTI
  • Approval to apply for commissioning with The CTC Network USA Chaplaincy Fellowship.

Session 01: Introduction to Industrial Chaplaincy
Session 02: Chaplains and Volunteers in Prison
Session 03: Duties of the Emergency Service Chaplain
Session 04: Emergency Protocols
Session 05: Pastoral Confidentiality and Ethics
Session 06: Dealing with Suicidal People
Session 07: Death Notifications
Session 08: Biblical Counseling 101
Session 09: The Building Blocks of Counseling
Session 10: Gathering Information - Part 1
Session 11: Gathering Information - Part 2
Session 12: Personal Assessment Forms
Session 14: Critical Situational Stress
Session 15: Traumatic Stress Reactions and Children
Session 16: Grief and Bereavement
Session 17: Preparing for Approaching Death
Session 18: Healing Conversations
Session 19: Contraband and Search Procedures
Session 20: Anatomy of a Setup
Final Exam

Basic Chaplaincy Training USA

Our focus is working with Pastors and their Leadership Teams nationally to establish or strengthen their community chaplaincy ministry. We offer two programs.

The Community Chaplaincy Training

Seven Hours - One-Day Event

Assisting the Pastor in Fulfilling 2 Timothy 4:5

  • The Roles of Pastor and Chaplain.
  • The Three Basic Needs of a Community.
  • The Evaluation Process.

The SALT Principle - Matthew 5:13

  • Seeing through cleansed lenses
  • Approaching with compassion
  • Listening to understand
  • Touching with virtue

The 5R Circle Process

Working tools for successfully building or rebuilding vision.

The objectives are as follows:

  • To explain the value of understanding shifts and challenges in your vision.
  • To provide a format for you to use the principles of The 5R Circle Process.

Here is the developmental process used in writing or rewriting your vision. We call this process The 5R Circle Process:

  • Recap your history
  • Recognize your shifts in Vision
  • Rework your challenges
  • Rewrite your Vision
  • Redesign your hinge statements

Basic Chaplaincy Training Caribbean

Frontline Chaplains International

Currently, most agencies arrive in the Caribbean for short-term missions and crisis relief. While these trips have benefits, they fail to address the ongoing need to equip believers to respond to a crisis–large or small.

F.C.I. has accepted the charge to provide training to Christians in The Bahamas, Aruba, Islands, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and additional Caribbean nations. As the Caribbean Regional Commander, I invite you to consider attending one of our trainings.

Frontline Chaplains International promotes the ministry of Chaplaincy across the nations to equip local believers, military personnel, and first responders to serve those on the frontlines of the crisis. F.C.I. Basic Chaplaincy Training is a 16-hour course awarding a certificate of completion. This training includes these topics and more:

FCI Home - Frontline Chaplains International (

Basic Chaplaincy Training - Two Days - 16 Hours

Chaplaincy Introduction

Stress Management PTSI (Post Traumatic Stress Injury)


Grief and Loss

Death notification

Depression / Suicidology

Domestic Violence

Human Trafficking

Disaster Preparedness

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

After training, you will have the opportunity to pursue chaplaincy commissioning with Frontline Chaplains International.

Chaplains and First Responders

Additional Training

Operational Stress First Aid (One Day Workshop)

Operational Stress First Aid (OSFA) is a unique program to teach psychological first aid to first responders and others who are susceptible to stress injury. The program originally developed by the Department of Defense for the Marines is used to prevent, identify and treat stress problems caused by operations, critical events, and personal or family crises. The goal of OSFA is to build resiliency and awareness and to keep personnel fully functional. The program also includes tools to assist leaders and personnel to take appropriate actions to restore personnel to full function and readiness when necessary. The principles of this class are foundational to all psychological first aid and resources that reference legitimate and credible crisis intervention organizations.

What You Will Learn

  • Four sources of stress injury
  • Understand the operational stress continuum illustrated by 4 colors.
  • Signs and symptoms of stress injury
  • Leadership functions during stress
  • How to do an after-action review
  • Understanding the checklist to determine the level of stress.

7 Contact Hours from Crown College

Communication During Crisis (One-Day Workshop)

Intentional Listening and Compassionate Responding

Even in the best of circumstances, communication is difficult. Understanding what people mean and responding so people understand is a constant challenge in “good communication.” Effective communication during critical moments requires skills in mitigating stress, building rapport, and compassionate responses. Listening to facts is much easier than listening to the emotions of a person during a crisis.

Responding to a cognitive question is much easier than responding to “Why?” During critical moments, impacted people need listeners who know how to apply the principles of psychological first aid and still respond compassionately.

Care providers must know how to respond to impacted folks who are afraid, who are grieving, and even those who are difficult – challenging to listen to in the crisis moment. Care providers may encounter people who feel desperate or hopeless. Compassionate communication includes knowing what to say if someone is suicidal.

This training course will help you know what you must intentionally do to become a better, effective communicator during a critical situation when a person has been impacted by the event and is aroused – in distress. In crisis intervention, active listening is essential. However, the appropriate response is also necessary for the communication process. It requires both listening and responding in such a way that the impacted speaker feels compassionately heard and understood. In other words, the responder must learn to “listen with your heart.”

What you will learn

• How communication is impacted by crisis reactions
• What communication needs exist during the crisis
• How people communicate when distressed
• Principles of active listening
• Ethics of Listening
• Principles of compassionate responses
• How to communicate with fearful people
• How to communicate with people who are grieving
• How to communicate with difficult people
• What to say if someone is suicidal
Continuing Education Credit:
7 Contact Hours from Crown College

Jonathan C. Carey - Certified Trainer 

Human Rights Training

Human Rights, rights that belong to an individual or group of individuals simply for being human, or as a consequence of inherent human vulnerability, or because they are requisite to the possibility of a just society. Whatever their theoretical justification, human rights refer to a wide continuum of values or capabilities thought to enhance human agency or protect human interests and declared to be universal in character, in some sense equally claimed for all human beings, present and future.

Human Rights Seminar is a 6-hour training on the basics and importance of Human Rights. Participants receive a Certificate of Completion from The CTC Network USA.

Seminar Topics:

  • What are Human Rights.
  • The Four Schools of Human Rights.
  • The 30 Articles of Human Rights.
  • Promoting Human Rights.

My Seminar is a good fit for: 

  • Governmental agencies and departments that deal with issues related to human rights, social justice, and equality. 
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and nonprofit organizations that promote and defend human rights. 
  • Educational institutions such as universities, schools, and research institutions need assistance in developing policies and programs that promote human rights. 
  • Healthcare providers such as hospitals and clinics that need guidance on issues related to patients' rights, informed consent, and ethical treatment.
  • Social enterprises and startups that aim to address social issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation.
  • Faith-based organizations that seek to promote social justice and human rights through their activities. 

Jonathan C. Carey - Certified Trainer 

Chaplaincy Counseling Tool

The Arno Profile System

Helping excellent Christian counselors become superior Christian counselors with a 90% plus success rate!
It is the missing link!


Zambia 2023

Our Focus is providing training for Churches, Chaplains, Governments, and First Responders.

Our Theme is: Meeting needs in the YARD.

Our Training Programs

  • Community Chaplaincy Training for Churches
  • Basic Chaplaincy Training Caribbean
  • First Responder Training
  • Carey Leadership Institute
  • Reset Seminars

Carey Press - Bookstore

(RESET) Series

(RESET) Series


I believe this workbook focusing on Faith as a possible reset button may become a guide in these unprecedented times, adding value to …
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I believe this workbook focusing on the family as a possible reset button may become a guide in these unprecedented times, adding value to …
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I believe this workbook focusing on friends as a possible reset button may become a guide in these unprecedented times, adding value to …
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The RESET Series presents five areas of personal focus (Faith, Family, Friends, Finances, and Fitness) This workbook focuses on the area …
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I believe this workbook focusing on fitness as a possible reset button may become a guide in these unprecedented times, adding value to …
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Thank you for your interest in our transformative chaplaincy training programs. Whether you seek information, or sponsorship, or want to join our community, we're here to help. Our programs equip believers with impactful skills, cultural sensitivity, and resilience to bring hope and healing. Fill out the form below, and let's empower and transform lives together.